The United States in 1852

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chapter Three

We are beginning to see some differences in personality between Mary Ellen and Louvina.  How do you see those differences, and how might they have an impact on the family's journey?


  1. I noticed that Louvina is quiet. Also Mary Ellen is very loud. Louvina likes to play quiet games and Mary likes to play loud games.

  2. I think Mary Ellen is more out there, and Louvina is almost shy.

  3. I think that Mary Ellen is kind of snoopy because in the beginning of the book she heard something and went to go and check it out. I would have just stayed in bed and went to sleep and Louvina is a little bit shy.

  4. Adding on to other comment, I think it will impact the journey if and when they come to Indians if they capture Louvina she won't talk and her family won't talk to her anymore during the journey and then they will start to talk to her after the journey. On the other hand if they capture Mary Ellen she will tell them where they are going and why and all that stuff and her parents will get angry at her and yell at her.

  5. Colden I think you are right, but I think Mary Ellen's parents wouldn't yell at her because the Indians might let her go if they get annoyed of her talking.

  6. Colden,please clarify what you mean about Louvina -- I don't really get it.

  7. Sam, I'd like to see a little more thought put into your responses. To do that, you really need to read and think about the questions.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Louvina is not very social,but Mary Ellen is much more social and loud.

  10. Mary Ellen doesn't like to be lady like but her sisters more lady like.
