The United States in 1852

Friday, November 25, 2011

Chapter Five

On page 51, Mary Ellen is amazed by what her father did as the two wagon trains raced for the bridge.  Why was she amazed by what he did?

Why do you think her "gentle, patient father, who did not believe in violence, who could not be goaded into a fight, who never even raised his voice to correct a child" did what he did?


  1. She was amazed because Father raised his whip and brought it down hard on the horse and his rider, Mary Ellen was amazed by this because it was a side of Father she had never seen before and didn`t want to see it again. I think her Father did this because he wanted to cross the bridge. Also he wanted to cross before the other wagon train because his wagon train team built the bridge.

  2. Mary Ellen was amazed because she saw the other side of her father when they were fighting to get on the bridge.

  3. Also he wanted to get on the bridge first because his team built the bridge and he thought that was unfair that they were going on the bridge first. they raced to the bridge and Mary Ellen's team won.

  4. Mary Ellen was amazed because she really never saw that side of him and I also think he really wants that land in Oregon,hes not going down without a fight

  5. I also think he's not giving up.

  6. Mary Ellen's father diden't want them to cross the bridge first so they wouldn't ruin the bridge.

  7. Mary Ellen was amazed because she had never seen that side of her dad.She had only seen the the calm side of him.

  8. Mary Ellen was amazed because she had never seen or heard of that side of her dad.
