The United States in 1852

Friday, November 25, 2011

Chapter Six

By the end of this chapter, after they make it across the river, Mary Ellen is certain that her family will not be going back to Arkansas.  Do you think they made the right decision?  What about all the other families that turned back -- what do you think about their choice?


  1. I think they made a bad decision because they would only know a few families instead over 100 families.I think they made a bad decision because they lost their chance of getting a new and a bigger house.

  2. I think the other families made a bad decision because they could have had a better life and they already started heading to Oregon so all their work so far was for nothing.

  3. I think Mary Ellen's family made the right decision because they did a lot of work and had been travelling for more than 6 weeks. I think the other families who turned back some I think made the wrong decision because they were already travelling and they would have basically wasted time. But, some families may have made the right decision in turning back. EX. Lucinda`s family may have made the right choice because she may have gotten more sick with the rain and bad weather.

  4. I don't understand your point about a larger house, Robert.

  5. Great explanation of your thinking, Theresa!

  6. I think Mary Ellen family made the right decision because they will get more land to farm and there is more people that will buy his pottery.

  7. I think that they made the decision because they are all ready 500 miles and it will take them 2 months to get back to Arkansas.
