The United States in 1852

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chapter Eight

There were a few instances of conflict in this chapter. With regard to slowing down or pressing on, which group of travelers do you think made the best decision? Please explain your thinking.


  1. I think Mary Ellen's team made a better decision because they want their animals to rest so they don't over work the animals.

  2. I think Mary Ellen's team did better so the animals can rest and they can work and when people get tired animals work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think Mary Ellen`s team because they din`t work the animals very hard and I think that is good because if they work the animals hard they might start hurting and possibly become sick and die. Also if they don`t work there animals very hard now later in time maybe when Indians want to attack there animals can go faster but, the teams who did work there animals very hard will be very slow and may get attacked by Indians.

  5. I think that Mary Ellen's team made the right choice of letting their oxen graze and rest and when they found Mr.Todd's ox dead that means that they lost a ox and they loose speed so, they go slower.

  6. I think Mary Ellen's team made the right decision because the other groups ox died and that means that the other team is slower. Also Mary Ellen's team made the right decision because their not going to lose their animals like the other team did because they didn't let the animals graze.
