The United States in 1852

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chapter Twelve

In this chapter, the families in the wagon train had to decide which of two trails to follow, and ultimately could not agree, so the parties split up, with the Todds and the Clarks taking the newer trail, and everyone else, including the Grants, following the older trail.  What were the pros and cons of the choice Mary Ellen's family made?  What do you think was the most important factor in making the decision that they did?  Please explain clearly and thoughtfully, using evidence from the text to support your ideas.


  1. Pros: They can get the oxen fed. They also can help the other people in the wagon train because a lot of people have mountain fever. Cons: Mary Ellen's family could get sick from the other people in the wagon train because of mountain fever. Mary Ellen's family could lose there oxen because this was a longer trail. The most important factor was that Mary Ellen's team could have there oxen more healthier before because there was a ton of green grass where they could graze.

  2. Pros: Not many people took the new trail. There was new grass because no people took that trail. Cons: There might be to much grass and then the oxen will become lazy and just not walk then they will have to go on without those oxen. Like Robert said their oxen had a lot more grass to graze on before they got to the new trail so their oxen would be all energized and ready to go on with the journey.

  3. Pros:only a few people took the new trail so the Todd family will not get slowed down with the traffic and there would be a lot new grass to feed the oxen.Cons: The oxen could burn out cause it's a longer trail.The most important factor was that Mary Ellen's oxen could be healthier cause they have the right environment.

  4. PROS:Not many people took the newer trail so if they won`t get slowed down in "traffic". Also since they took the new trail and not many others did, the trail is not worn out so there is more grass for the oxen to eat. CONS: Mary Ellen`s family can be slowed down and possibly get sick because of mountain fever and they might have to wait for the other members in the wagon train. The most important factor was that Mary Ellen`s family`s oxen can be healthier because they are in the right environment.

  5. pros:the cattle can graze their are not a lot of people on the newer trail.
    cons:the animals are in a better environment for them.
