The United States in 1852

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chapter Sixteen

If you were Mary Ellen, how would you be feeling now about the new life that you have?  Please be sure to elaborate and explain yourself fully, using details from the text to support your ideas.


  1. I would feel happy that we had a lot of land but I would be sad that my grandma didn't come with us.

  2. I would feel good that we made it all the to Oregon and happy that all of my family members are with me. I would also be sad that some if my animals died because I loved them

  3. I would feel happy that I am alive and no members of my family died. Also I would feel happy that I had a new baby brother that has survived. I would feel sad that my Grandmother didn't make the journey with us. I would feel a little bit worried because I don't know how my Grandmother is.

  4. I would feel happy that I made it to Oregon with my whole family and all my troubles pretty much gone.

  5. I would feel good because we have a lot of land and we have a new family member, but i would be sad that i don't live near my grandmother.

  6. I would feel mad because I wouldn't have seen my grand mother again. Also I would fell good that they have food to survive the winter.
