The United States in 1852

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Chapter Fourteen

With all the hardships, death, and challenges faced by the Todds, how have they managed to keep going and get as far as they have? What keeps them going, in spite of all the difficulties? What do you think lies ahead for them?


  1. There is nothing about the Todd's in this chapter and I just read the chapter too.

  2. I think the todds have done better than I thought they would with solving their problems. I also think that they thought of a better life in Oregon as a motive to reach there destination. I predict that they will not get as much land as they thought they would get because so many people made the journey out to Oregon.

  3. I think the Todds have done good,I think that their motivation is all the people dieing they are still going so they don't die. But I still think their getting to Oregon.

  4. The Todds are in every chapter, Robert.

  5. I think they keep going so they can have a better life and the Todds solve their problems very well.

  6. The Todds are definitely doing better than I thought they would because I thought that they would lose more animals than they did. I think their motivation is that so many people and animals have died and they just want to keep going. I think that kind of like what Orion said they will not get as much land as they anticipated because so many people heard of the offer and made the journey. But, on the other hand they may get as much land as anticipated because so many of the people who made the journey west to Oregon have turned back because of sickness and death in their people and animals

  7. I think the Todds are doing great, but I didn't think that in the beginning of the book. They keep on going because of the diseases so when they see people sick they would help them, but they would try to get away from them when their done with the people who are sick. I think the baby might hold them back because she might some special food for the baby.

  8. The Todds are doing good because I wouldn't have thought of letting out oxen graze in midday so I think that they are doing really good. I think many mountains lay ahead of them and maybe Indians. I think they got here by never losing faith and never giving up if they would have given up they would have to go all the way back to Arkansas and thats like 1000 miles. At first Mary Ellen didn't want to go to Oregon But, as the journey progressed she got more into it and she started to like the idea of going to Oregon. I think that Mary Ellen has been very brave from being next to the Indians to being attacked by the Indians I think that she was brave even in the scariest of times on this journey.
